5 Tips to Explore Papua Diving at Night


Have you visited Papua?  Papua has unlimited exceptional nature wealth consisting of rainforests, fabulous beaches, extensive swamp areas, and dry savanna, making Papua the wealthiest island in Indonesia. It also becomes the paradise of the richest marine biodiversity. As you would expect, snorkeling and sailing are popular water activities here. Still, it is diving that is the real star of this island. Papua is always a favorite destination for the dive enthusiast, with hundreds of best dive sites spread across uninhabited and inhabited areas. One of the best diving destinations in Papua is Raja Ampat. Papua diving offers you to see different types of sharks, manta rays, and colorful fish. But, have you ever tried night diving? Everything looks significantly different when you dive. Night diving is one of those things that are enchanting and frightening at the same time. Here are some tips before you enjoy night diving.

Papua diving

Equipment for Papua diving at night

First, you have to set up all of your dive equipment during the day to ensure that you will not forget anything. You need to use diving lights with long battery life. Dive lights are essential for seeing where you’re going at night. The only significant light you will find on your night dive is that which you create. Light also helps your communication underwater. Don’t forget to bring your bright light when Papua diving, and you need a second as back up in the event of a loss of your primary light. Remember never dive with just one light. There are several factors that must be considered when picking a light, such as battery, strength, and beam.

Select a dive site familiar to you

Exploring night dive is usually not far from your boat. You need to ask for information from the dive crew to know the location of the night dive. Make sure you book to do the dives in the day time. Doing the diving in the daytime will help you explore at night since a familiar location makes navigation easier.  Of course, you will have plenty of time to explore the beauty at night.

Get a buddy

Getting a buddy is a must because it’s easy to get lost for night dive.  You should always be close together for a night dive.  Close with your buddy will give you mental support.

Signals on night Papua diving

You need to decide how to communicate underwater prior to entering the water with your buddy.  Communication of night diving is more complicated than day diving. You and your buddy should decide on hand signals before entering the water. Knowing the right signals are key to successful communication. You can use light to communicate with each other.  You can shine the light on your hands so your buddy can see what you want to say.  The second way, you can signal “yes” and “no” by moving your light up and down.

Papua Diving

Dive Slowly

Diving slowly and giving your eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness of the water. Don’t move too fast because you will not see much, and your dive will not be exciting. Take your time and go slow and feel the darkness; you will have a better chance of finding the beauty of underwater at night.

Read more:

Top 5 Health Benefits of Raja Ampat Diving

5 Advantage of a Liveaboard Indonesia for Diving Holiday

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