Top 5 Health Benefits of Raja Ampat Diving

Raja Ampat Diving

Every bit of Raja Ampat is fantastic, so it is the best place for a holiday because far from the city, there is no blocking skyscrapers, concrete buildings, and busy highway. Raja Ampat provides the best mother nature experiences. You can see amazing landscapes like a tropical island, crystal blue water, and white sand that are spectacular and like no other. Raja Ampat is called first-class diving for an underwater lover because it is home to the most biodiverse various coral reef and an abundance of diverse marine life. Raja Ampat diving is genuinely unforgettable and offer once in a lifetime experience and not to be missed. You can relax and explore yourself with the gorgeous scenery as well as some of the best diving experiences on earth. Did you know that diving holidays are perfect for your body and mind? Here is some of the benefit of diving.

Raja Ampat diving can lower blood pressure

Raja Ampat is warm, but the water is still cooler than average body temperature. When diving into the water can cause a spike in blood pressure, it’s because the water is cooler than your body temperature. However, when you begin to swim, your body warms up to the ocean’s temperature, and then you need to breathe deeply and regularly, and your heart rate will slow. It will help lower your heart rate resulting in lower blood pressure.

Controlling your breath

One of the best benefits of Raja Ampat diving is learning to breathe slow and deep. During a dive, you need to control your breathing, which reduces the heart rate, and it will bring you diving with a sense of calm and focus. Stable breathing also benefits the body as you increase lung capacity and reduces the risk of a lung-expansion injury such as asthma.

Raja Ampat Diving for your flexibility

When you’re diving, you have the water’s resistance and the currents to contend with, and it will burn to abound 500 calories in one hour. Diving is a great way to improve your stamina and stay fit. It also helps you to train your core.

Stress relief

Raja Ampat diving is a source of relaxation and stress relief. When you are under the water, worries about your life seem to drift away. When your deep, calm breaths throughout a dive similar to the breathing we do while meditating. It will affect a state of calm.  Giving the body and mind a break gives your body a chance to get the nervous system back to a natural balance, and this contributes to a positive attitude and can prevent depression.


With the effects of water, the calmness of breathing, and the beauty of nature surrounding you, it’s impossible to be unhappy. Happiness correlates with your health. There might be nerves or adrenaline rushing around your body and gives you that feel-good feeling. Please note that happy people live longer.

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