Create More Enjoyable Travel For The Introverts


Different personality tend to have different tendencies or styles including for travelling. For example, introverts and extroverts tend to have different style in travel. They may enjoy their travel differently in some ways which show their different personality. However, keep in mind that people are not always 100% introvert or extrovert. There are some people who are somewhere in between. There are also people who have introvert characteristics dominating their personalities and vice versa. If you are an introvert, you may need to create your own version in making your travel more enjoyable? Why?

Are you introvert who likes travelling?

Create More Enjoyable Travel For The Introverts

Just because you are introvert doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy travelling. There are many experienced travelers out there with introvert personality but that doesn’t stop them from going from place to another happily. They have their own way to enjoy their travel. So why you have to create your own style for enjoyable travel if you are an introvert?

It is said that travel is designed for extroverts. It is also because travel favors the extroverts more. It is created based on human connection as well as finding communality in the unknown. During travel, you are forced to interact with people, especially strangers. You order your foods, hailing cab, and booking hotel room. All of them requires you to interact with strangers which sound to be not a problem for extroverts with their tendency to talk freely even with the person they just meet few minutes ago. Travel is more favorable for extroverts as well because the situation and experience looks easier for them to enjoy. Being outside of comfort zone, talking to strangers, facing the unexpected, socializing, always be ready to try new challenges, are what the extroverts find no problem with.

So, if you are an introvert and want to enjoy your travel to the max, you may need these tips.

You can try alternate staying in private rooms and shared rooms. There is high possibility that you will get irritated or overwhelmed if you stay too long in shared accommodation. You also need to allocate time to recharge yourself by having your own space for a while. You may need time for relaxation and reflection. Thus, Going with others and by yourself in the same day can be draining for you. You can plan a day to enjoy the trip with other fellow travelers. Then, you can spend the next day for yourself.

Read More: Benefits of Travelling for Your Soul

When you are an introvert, it might not be comfortable to eat in restaurants with too many people. However, it is quite hard to be picky during travel and you won’t always get peaceful restaurant to eat out at. To reduce stress feelings, try things that can distract you from your surroundings. For example, you can bring your books to read so you don’t always have to talk to the strangers when you don’t feel like it. You also don’t have to overthink about being introvert too much and rather focus more on what your goals of the trip.

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